How I Lost 16 Pounds in 14 Days and Looked Super Hot On My Wedding Day

Your wedding is in 2 weeks time and you need to get fit for your special day. You’ve got so much stress, you don’t have time or energy to work out.
So what can you do?
Your answer shouldn’t be “nothing”. This is a special day and it only happens ONCE in your life (hopefully), so you want to look as stunning as possible.
You want to show your man that he’s lucky to have you and you want to make sure he’s proud to stand behind you.
Losing a couple of pounds or maybe 16 pounds like me in 2 weeks for your wedding is possible, if you read these instructions correctly.
Your wedding day is the most important day of your life, and if you want to lose weight for your wedding in 2 weeks or even faster, this is where you’ll learn a simple but crazy secret that helped me to make this transformation.

Hi, I’m Jenn. I’m 28 years old,
 and I have a story to tell that I know will resonate with you.
My biggest dream and worst nightmare had come true at the same time on the day my boyfriend asked me to marry him.
Right after saying “YES” and a brief celebration that night 😉 ,I knew that I had to lose weight before my wedding.
I wasn’t sure when I was going to have the wedding yet, but I knew I had to take action FAST.
So, it was settled, I was going to finally lose some weight… to look my best on what was going to be the happiest day of my life.
But things don’t usually go as they plan, do they?
You know how it is… planning a wedding is a LOT of work. I’m not even going to begin talking about this because you probably know all this if you’re ready my blog post. Let me just say, it was c-h-a-o-t-i-c, to say the least.
After we set a date for the wedding, I made it a point to put time aside for daily exercise but when all hell broke loose with the wedding planning, that plan went down the drain.
I didn’t even have time to think about working out, let alone actually doing it.

My wedding was in 2 weeks and I weighed 142 pounds

Before I knew it, my wedding was just 2 weeks away and I weighed a whopping 142 pounds. Yes, with all the stress, lack of sleep coupled with bad eating habits, I had put on an additional 8 pounds while planning my wedding.
What made matters worse was that when I went for my final wedding dress fitting, the dress did not fit well on me…ok…it was too small for me. The seamstress told me that I had to at least lose 10 pounds to look ‘perfect’ in that dress for my wedding day.
Two weeks and I had to lose 10 pounds – is that even possible? The answer is yes! It was possible. And I did it.
Let me tell you how I did it.

The 2 Week Diet system saved me

So, I spent one night away from my wedding planning. I researched, I  googled, I went on weight loss forums and finally, I found the answer – the 2 Week Diet program by trainer to the celebrities, Brian Flatt.
At first I thought it was just hype and a bunch of hooey, but I was pleasantly surprise as to my results from being on it. Let me explain how the program works…
The premise behind Brian’s 2 Week Diet program is simple and backed by science.
It’s all about understanding your body’s hormones and how the nutrients you take in control how much fat your body stores and how much fat your body burns.
If you can maintain a certain positive balance, your body will continuously be in a fat burning state and you’ll lose the weight— and for good.
The 2 Week Diet program comes consists of 4 parts, with each with its own handbook (all in e-book format)—Diet, Workout, Supplement and Motivation.

I did not focus on exercise. All I did was follow the meal plan as closely as I could.

Since I didn’t have time to exercise I focused solely on following the steps in the Diet Handbook and did not bother with the other 3 parts.
The Diet Handbook gave me a list of foods that I needed to eat and foods that I had to stay away from, as well as the times during the day I should eat those foods.
The science behind this is that by eating the “allowed” foods at the appropriate times, your body will correct any hormonal imbalance and force your body to burn fat instead of store it.
For the next 12 days, I ate the foods that was ‘allowed’ in the Diet Handbook and stayed away from those that were not allowed. And followed the times during the day I should be eating those foods.
To tell you the truth, although the eating plan in the Diet Handbook was straightforward and simple to follow, I found it difficult to keep up at the beginning, as I still had a wedding to get ready for!
But I stuck to the eating plan as closely as I could, and it got easier as days went by.

I was pleasantly surprised with the results

After following the 2 Week Diet for 12 straight days, albeit with some hiccups in between, I was pleasantly surprised with the results.
I lost a whopping 16 pounds! Maybe a few more pounds would’ve made me happier but I was ecstatic when it came time for me to put on my dress on my wedding day.
I must say it felt great. The look I got from my husband when he first saw me in my dress walking down the aisle— I knew fully well that he was ready to tear my dress off, right there and then.

The compliments kept coming…and then the questions…

And then there were the compliments I received from my friends and family – all day long, they kept coming. And of course, the questions that came with them:
“How did you do it?”;
“I just saw you a week ago. How did you lose all that weight that quickly?”;
“Did you starve yourself?”;
“Did you take pills?”;
“Did you workout like a gym rat?”;
“Tell us, we want to know!”
I told them, like what I am telling you now.
All I did was go on the 2 Week Diet system by Brian Flatt, and followed his eating plan as closely as I could.

I would’ve been a wreck if I didn’t find the 2 Week Diet system

If I hadn’t found the 2 Week Diet, I would’ve been a wreck on my wedding day—not being able to zip up my dress, showing overflowing fat folds from my arms, my muffin top protruding through my dress and of course, having to walk down the aisle with a hundred people watching me. It would’ve been humiliating, embarrassing and I would’ve been so sad on a day when it should be the happiest day for anyone.
If you’ve struggled with weight loss and you need to lose weight quickly for a wedding, for a beach vacation, to get back at your ex-boyfriend, for whatever reason, you owe it to yourself to check out the 2 Week Diet system.
Imagine walking down the aisle in your wedding dress, looking so hot your husband-to-be just wants to strip you and take you right there and then.
Imagine waking up after 14 days and seeing yourself in the mirror, fitting into those skinny jeans you had put away months or even years ago.
Imagine wearing a bikini, walking on the beach and getting endless looks, cat calls and whistles from guys.
Imagine your ex-boyfriend, seeing you for the first time after you’ve broken up and begging for you to go back to him.
Imagine not having to worry about counting calories, not having to choke down food that taste like cardboard, not having to take pills that make your heart race and not having to make sure you hit the gym 7 days a week for at least an hour each session.
All that and more can be achieved with the 2 Week Diet system.
So, if you are a woman who have struggled to lose weight in the past, you owe it to yourself to watch Brian Flatt’s presentation on the 2 Week Diet system and learn how it can help you achieve your long-term weight goals in as quick as 14 days.
So, turn up your speakers and click the play button to watch Brian’s presentation on the 2 Week Diet now.
I really hope it has even a fraction of the impact on your life that it has had on mine because the information you’re about to learn has forever changed my life.

                               Click here to watch the video


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